
  • Breakfast,  Desserts,  Entrée,  Recipes,  Side Dishes

    Gluten Free and Vegan Cinnamon Roll Pancakes

    Pancakes are everyones favorite weekend breakfast. My favorite pancakes in the world are the limited edition Cinn-a-Stack pancakes from IHOP. I get so sad when they disappear off the menu. The cinnamon topping is so tasty and I could probably eat it separately in a bowl. For the purposes of the recipe I put it in a squirt bottle to get that signature swirl, but honestly you could just spread it over a cooked pancake with the back of a spoon to double down on that lovely velvety, sticky, sweet cinnamon flavor. Method The methodology is the same as regular pancakes. The kicker is that I make it with gluten…

  • Appetizers,  Breakfast,  Entrée,  Recipes,  Side Dishes

    Warm and Soft Idlis

    Hittin’ ya back with another classic: Idlis! Earlier this month I posted my sambar recipe. A lot of things can be eaten with sambar so I decided to go full on and post Masala Dosa earlier this month followed by Idli! The reason Idli is coming out as a #BhaktaBasics recipe is because it’s able to be upcycled into something new later on! For now let’s start with the basics of this dish. Idlis are essentially steamed rice cakes that can be served with chutneys and sambar. You will need a special steamer to make this dish. Most Indian grocers will have them but you can also find one on…

  • Breakfast,  Entrée,  Recipes

    Masala Dosa

    Masala Dosa is a dish that has grown to be quite the staple in the Bhakta house. It isn’t a dish that I grew up with to be honest. My mom found a recipe through the CookingShooking channel and it really flipped our script! The potato and onion masala is her own creation and its really diverse with a lot of textural aspects from the cashews and toasted urad dal. We have bumped up this recipe a gazillion times from trying to make our own “gunpowder” which is a spice blend to sprinkle in the dosa. We have made Szechuan dosa with a chili chutney, spring roll dosas with a…

  • Breakfast,  Recipes

    Poha no Chevdo

    Poha no chevdo is a Diwali classic. Diwali is all about making all sorts of sweets and snacks for the upcoming new year. The celebrations are about fireworks and food, and about family and togetherness. This time of year is when so many people really hunker down to pump out all the classic dishes. We have poha no chevdo in our house all year round, but when we make it for Diwali it’s extra special because we know that so many people in our community are also doing the same thing. The tradition of giving and receiving sweet or savory items is so kind and really brightens up the fall…

  • Appetizers,  Breakfast,  Recipes


    Handvo/Bhakhro is one of my dad’s favorite tea time snacks, as I’ve grown older and moved away from home it is still one of the things I’m nostalgic for. Chai, bhakhro, and a big bowl of chevdo round out a perfect breakfast for me. So many people have a million ways to make it, but I think this way is the best and the easiest. I love baking them in cupcake tins or smaller trays so you get more crispy edge pieces. In addition to that I always try to bake it really thin so that you get this wonderful crunch all the way around. This dish can easily be…

  • Breakfast,  Entrée,  Recipes

    Khata Puda

    My mom’s side of the family is HUGE, and they’re all pretty close. When I was younger I have great memories of my Mami Ma and Ba teaming up to dole out food left, right, and center. One single text message for dinner could round up at least 20 of us at any given time. My Mami Ma used to make Khata Puda in a paint bucket form Home Depot and I always used to think she was overshooting the amount my uncles could eat. Lo and behold, every single pudo would be gone in a flash. After my Mami Ma passed this was the memory of her that I…

  • Breakfast,  Recipes

    Garlic Jalapeño Everything Bagels

    My little cousin and I are big fans of everything bagels. In quarantine, I have tried my hand at several bread recipes and thought, why not bagels? I decided to spice up these bagels exactly how I would want them in a shop. SPICY. I love garlicky foods and bagels are no exception. These bagels are amazing and really are the perfect replica of an authentic bagel shop. When you get a fresh, homemade bagel its chewy and springy right out of the oven. Top them however you’d like cheese, more jalapeños, chili powder… the list goes on. This is a fun recipe to make with kids and its a…

  • Appetizers,  Breakfast,  Recipes

    Thikhi Puri

    Both of my grandmothers always have a container of thikhi puri in their pantry. No matter what, my nose would sniff it out, even as a 5-year-old. Thikhi puri is one of those things that is really reminiscent of childhood for a lot of Gujarati kids. Even as we grow into adults, its something that reminds us of home. During quarantine, its all about making the day a little extra special. Hot puris are an easy way to create that little pocket of nostalgia in under 30 minutes! Ingredients: 2 c. wheat flour 3/4 c. water 1 tbsp. neutral oil 1 tsp. sugar 1 tsp. ground cumin (jeera) 1/2 tsp.…

  • Breakfast,  Entrée,  Recipes


    Thepla is the Gujarati staple known to most people. The recipe is for 30-35 thepla, however you can easily dial this down. We make this in bulk all the time at our house and it is very easy to go through 30 in a week with a family of 6! A morning with a hot mug of chai and thepla is so comforting for me, it reminds me to take a minute and just slow down to savor the moment. Also the kid in me loves having a bag of thepla in the fridge or a stack of them on the counter because its such a great way to shake…

  • Breakfast,  Entrée,  Recipes

    Thikhi Bhakhri

    A hot, crispy, slightly spicy bhakhri is the perfect compliment to chai-naasto any time of day. I could munch on these any time of the day and love to eat it as an alternative to roti or paratha. As little kids this was a great snack in the car on long road trips or something that used to fill my stomach when I wasn’t feeling well. My grandmother makes them so well and this is my attempt to get as close as I can to her taste. Ingredients: 2 cups atta or wheat flour  1 cup. + 2 tbsp. warm water 2 tsp. ghee  2 tsp. neutral oil 1/2 tsp.…